Manage hosts with Yandex Cloud hostprovider


After you create and configure new hosts based on the Yandex Cloud hostprovider (by running the Create hosts or Create host → Init action), you can manage them on the Hosts page of the ADCM web interface. To see available host actions, click the actions default dark actions default light icon in the Actions column.

Host actions
Host actions

When you choose an action, ADCM displays a dialog window to confirm your choice. In this dialog window, you can select the Verbose checkbox to see additional execution details on the Jobs page. For some actions, you should first fill in additional options in a separate window.

Standard window to confirm all actions
Standard window to confirm all actions

When an action starts, ADCM displays its execution process and result on the Jobs page. From this page, you can navigate to a page with details on an individual job (by clicking a job name) to see inner steps of that job execution and analyze errors, if any.

The job page
The job page

All available host actions are listed below.

Change ip type

The Change ip type action allows you to change the host IP address type to public or private. After you select the action, a dialog box opens where you can select one of the following types in the IP-address type field:

  • private

  • public


The action only changes the IP address that is used to manage a host by ADCM. The virtual machine IP address is not changed.

The Change ip type action form
The "Change ip type" action form

To run the Change ip type action, click Run in the action form. Then, confirm the action in the standard confirmation dialog.

Create user

The Create user action creates a user on the host. After you select the action, a dialog box opens where you can fill in the following parameters (the fields highlighted in red are mandatory):

  • Login — a name of the created user.

  • SSH Public Key — a public SSH key of the created user. It should start with ssh-rsa  and end with  username@hostname.

  • Additional groups — a list of Linux groups to which a user will be added (optionally). Enter each group separately — by clicking the plus one dark plus one light icon in the Additional groups node and editing the new list element Additional groups [N] subsequently.

  • Passwordless sudo — a flag that indicates whether the user can escalate their privileges to sudo without password. If set, the user will also be added to the adcm_sudo group.

The Create user action form
The "Create user" action form

To run the Create user action, click Run in the action form. Then, confirm the action in the standard confirmation dialog.


If you need to add users to all hosts that are based on the Yandex Cloud hostprovider, run the Create users action.

Install utils

The Install utils action installs packages (utilities) on the host (e.g. nano, wget, etc.). After you select the action, a dialog box opens where you can specify the packages you need.

The Install utils action form
The "Install utils" action form

Enter each package separately — by clicking the plus one dark plus one light icon in the Utils node and editing the new list element Utils [N] subsequently.

Enter each package separately
Enter each package separately

To run the Install utils action, click Run in the action form. Then, confirm the action in the standard confirmation dialog.


The Remove action removes the virtual machine from the Yandex Cloud and ADCM.

After you select the action, the standard confirmation dialog opens. Click Run to confirm the action. No additional parameters are required.

Remove and Init

The Remove and Init action recreates the virtual machine in the Yandex Cloud (removes and creates).

After you select the action, the standard confirmation dialog opens. Click Run to confirm the action. No additional parameters are required.

Install rng-tools

The Install rng-tools action installs the rngd utility from the rng-tools package. This utility fills the Linux system entropy pool. The contents of this pool are used by the random number generator (RNG).

After you select the action, the standard confirmation dialog opens. Click Run to confirm the action. No additional parameters are required.

Send cmd

The Send cmd action allows you to send a bash command to the host. After you select the action, a dialog box opens where you can enter a command text in the Command field. A shebang (#!) is not needed.

The Send cmd action form
The "Send cmd" action form

To run the Send cmd action, click Run in the action form. Then, confirm the action in the standard confirmation dialog.

Power ON

The Power ON action starts the virtual machine in the Yandex Cloud.

After you select the action, the standard confirmation dialog opens. Click Run to confirm the action. No additional parameters are required.

After the Power ON action is completed, the host status changes to running in ADCM and to Running in the Yandex Cloud.

Install statuschecker

The Install statuschecker action installs the statuschecker on the host. This is a special daemon that periodically checks the status of services and components added to the cluster hosts via ADCM.

After you select the action, the standard confirmation dialog opens. Click Run to confirm the action. No additional parameters are required.

Power OFF

The Power OFF action stops the virtual machine in the Yandex Cloud.

After you select the action, the standard confirmation dialog opens. Click Run to confirm the action. No additional parameters are required.

After the Power OFF action is completed, the host status changes to stopped in ADCM and to Stopped in the Yandex Cloud.


The Update action sets new labels and Security Group IDs for the virtual machine in the Yandex Cloud. In this case, the previous data (saved during the VM initialization or the last launch of the Update action) is completely overwritten. After you select the action, a dialog box opens where you can fill in the following parameters:

  • Labels — new labels for VM. Enter each label separately — by clicking Add property in the Labels node and editing the new list element Labels [N] subsequently. In the dialog that opens, enter a label key in Enter field name and a label value in Enter field value.

  • Security Group IDs — new identifiers of security groups for VM. Enter each group separately — by clicking the plus one dark plus one light icon in the Security Group IDs node and editing the new list element Security Group IDs [N] subsequently.

The Update action form
The "Update" action form

To run the Update action, click Run in the action form. Then, confirm the action in the standard confirmation dialog.

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