
The job tool allows you to create and work with saved jobs. Saved jobs remember the parameters used to specify a job, so they can be re-executed by invoking the job by its handle.

If a saved job is configured to perform an incremental import, state regarding the most recently imported rows is updated in the saved job to allow the job to continually import only the newest rows.

The tool usage is shown below.

$ sqoop job <generic-args> <job-args> [-- [subtool-name] <subtool-args>]
$ sqoop-job <generic-args> <job-args> [-- [subtool-name] <subtool-args>]
Job management options

--create <job-id>

Creates a new saved job with the specified <job-id> (name)

--delete <job-id>

Deletes a saved job

--exec <job-id>

Runs a saved job

--show <job-id>

Shows the parameters of a saved job


Lists all saved jobs

Metastore connection options

--meta-connect <jdbc-uri>

Specifies the JDBC connection string used to connect to the metastore

By default, a private metastore is instantiated in $HOME/.sqoop. If you have configured a hosted metastore with the sqoop-metastore tool, you can connect to it by specifying the --meta-connect argument. This is a JDBC connection string just like the ones used to connect to databases for import.

In conf/sqoop-site.xml, you can use the JDBC string in sqoop.metastore.client.autoconnect.url so you do not have to supply --meta-connect to use a remote metastore. This parameter can also be modified to move the private metastore to a location on your filesystem other than your home directory.

If you set sqoop.metastore.client.enable.autoconnect=false, you have to explicitly supply --meta-connect.

Common options


Prints usage instructions


Prints more information while working

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