
The codegen tool generates Java classes that encapsulate and interpret imported records. The Java definition of a record is instantiated as part of the import process, but can also be performed separately. For example, if Java source is lost, it can be recreated. New versions of a class can be created that use different delimiters between fields, and so on.

The tool usage is shown below.

$ sqoop codegen <generic-args> <codegen-args>
$ sqoop-codegen <generic-args> <codegen-args>
Common arguments

--connect <jdbc-uri>

Specifies the JDBC connection string

--connection-manager <class-name>

Specifies the connection manager class to use

--connection-param-file <filename>

Specifies optional properties file that provides connection parameters

--driver <class-name>

Specifies the JDBC driver class to use

--hadoop-mapred-home <dir>



Prints usage instructions


Sets the path to a file containing the authentication password


Reads the password from the console

--password <password>

Specifies the authentication password

--username <username>

Specifies the authentication username


Prints more information while working


Instructs Sqoop to use the read-uncommitted isolation level

Code generation arguments

--bindir <dir>

Sets the output directory for compiled objects

--class-name <name>

Specifies a name for generated class. This overrides --package-name. When combined with --jar-file, sets the input class

--jar-file <file>

Disables code generation; the provided JAR is used instead

--map-column-java <m>

Overrides the default mapping from SQL type to Java type for column <m>

--outdir <dir>

Sets the output directory for generated code

--package-name <name>

Puts auto-generated classes into the specified package

Output line formatting arguments

--enclosed-by <char>

Sets a required field enclosing character

--escaped-by <char>

Sets an escape character

--fields-terminated-by <char>

Sets a field separator character

--lines-terminated-by <char>

Sets an end-of-line character


Uses the MySQL default delimiter set: fields — ,, lines — \n, escaped-by — \, optionally-enclosed-by — '

--optionally-enclosed-by <char>

Sets an optional field enclosing character

Input parsing arguments

--input-enclosed-by <char>

Sets a character that encloses the input

--input-escaped-by <char>

Sets an input escape character

--input-fields-terminated-by <char>

Sets an input field separator

--input-lines-terminated-by <char>

Sets an input end-of-line character

--input-optionally-enclosed-by <char>

Sets a field-enclosing character

Hive arguments


If set, then the job fails if the target Hive table exists

--hive-home <dir>

Overrides $HIVE_HOME


Imports tables into Hive (uses the Hive’s default delimiters if none are set)


Overwrites existing data in the Hive table

--hive-table <table-name>

Sets the table name to use when importing to Hive


Drops \n, \r, and \01 from string fields when importing to Hive


Replaces \n, \r, and \01 in string fields with user-defined string when importing to Hive


Sets the Hive partition key

--hive-partition-value <v>

Sets the Hive partition value

--map-column-hive <map>

Overrides default mapping from SQL type data types to Hive data types. If you specify commas in this argument, use URL-encoded keys and values, for example, use DECIMAL(1%2C%201) instead of DECIMAL(1, 1)

If Hive arguments are provided to the codegen tool, Sqoop generates a file containing the HQL statements to create a table and load data.

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