ADCM role model

A role model is implemented in ADCM. Specific sets of permissions for operations with various ADCM objects can be grouped into roles. The roles are used to create policies to grant roles’s permissions to user groups.

Permission is a basic element of the role model. Role is a set of permissions. Permissions can not be assigned directly to the groups. Permissions can be only added to the roles.

Some permissions are necessary to work with any product via ADCM. Such permissions are always present in ADCM. Other permissions are necessary to work only with a particular product. Those permissions appear in ADCM when a bundle is uploaded.

The role is assigned to a user group via policy. Assignment of multiple roles is not supported. Each user inherits the roles of the group to which they belong.


Only the ADCM administrator (= superuser) can assign roles to the users. In particular, only the superuser can grant a superuser role to another user.

Policy is a triad that consists of the following elements:

  1. User group.

  2. Role.

  3. Object, to which the role’s permissions are applied. Object can have one of the following types:

    • Cluster

    • Service

    • Host

    • Provider

While creating a policy, the user is prompted to select one or more objects of the type that corresponds to the chosen user role.


A policy is applied to an object as well as to all of its child objects. For example, if a policy is given to a cluster, then that policy also affects all services, components, and hosts of that cluster.

Built-in roles

ADCM comes with a few built-in roles. Changing the permissions of built-in roles is prohibited.

Built-in ADCM roles
Role name Description Object type


View-only role that provides ability to view all objects information


ADCM Auditor

View-only role that provides ability to view audit results


Service Administrator

Role provides ability to configure and control the life cycle of the relevant service


Cluster Administrator

Role provides ability to configure and control the relevant cluster, its hosts, and its services


Provider Administrator

Role gives full control over the relevant hostprovider and its hosts


ADCM Administrator

Role gives full control over all aspects of ADCM


Permissions and roles

In addition to the built-in roles, ADCM administrator can create custom roles with permissions. Available permissions and their relations to the built-in roles are listed in the table below.

Permissions and roles
Permission name Description ADCM User Service Administrator Provider Administrator Cluster Administrator ADCM Administrator ADCM Auditor

View any object configurations

The ability to view any object configurations



View cluster configurations

The ability to view cluster configurations



View service configurations

The ability to view service configurations




View component configurations

The ability to view component configurations




View provider configurations

The ability to view hostprovider configurations



View host configurations

The ability to view host configurations





Edit cluster configurations

The ability to edit cluster configurations



Edit service configurations

The ability to edit service configurations




Edit component configurations

The ability to edit component configurations




Edit provider configurations

The ability to edit hostprovider configurations



Edit host configurations

The ability to edit host configurations




View any object imports

The ability to view imports of all objects



View imports

The ability to view imports of a chosen object




Manage Imports

The ability to manage imports




View any cluster host-components

The ability to view any cluster hosts and components mappings



View Host-Components

The ability to view hosts and components mapping




Manage Host-Components

The ability to change hosts and components mapping



Add service

The ability to add services to cluster



Remove hosts

The ability to remove hosts (in the Hosts section)



Add hosts to the cluster

The ability to add hosts to the cluster



Remove hosts from the cluster

The ability to remove hosts from the cluster



Upgrade cluster bundle

The ability to upgrade the cluster bundle



Upgrade provider bundle

The ability to upgrade the hostprovider bundle



Create hostprovider

The ability to create hostproviders


Create host

The ability to create hosts




Remove hostprovider

The ability to remove hostproviders


Create cluster

The ability to create clusters


Remove cluster

The ability to remove clusters


Upload bundle

The ability to upload bundles




Remove bundle

The ability to remove bundles




View audit operations

The ability to view results of operations audit







View audit logins

The ability to view results of logins audit







View ADCM settings

The ability to view settings


Edit ADCM settings

The ability to edit settings


View users

The ability to view users



Add new user

The ability to create users


Delete user

The ability to remove users


Update user

The ability to update users


View roles

The ability to view roles



Add new role

The ability to create roles


Delete role

The ability to remove roles (only for custom roles)


Update role

The ability to update roles (only for custom roles)


View groups

The ability to view groups



Add new group

The ability to create groups


Delete group

The ability to remove groups


Update group

The ability to update groups


View policies

The ability to view policies


Add new policy

The ability to create policies


Delete policy

The ability to remove policies


Update policy

The ability to update policies


Cluster Action: <Action name>

The ability to perform the <Action name> action



Host Action: <Action name>

The ability to perform the <Action name> action




Service Action: <Action name>

The ability to perform the <Action name> action




Component Action: <Action name>

The ability to perform the <Action name> action




Provider Action: <Action name>

The ability to perform the <Action name> action



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