Arenadata Streaming

Arenadata Streaming (ADS) is a scalable, fault-tolerant solution for real-time streaming data processing, adapted for enterprise and built on Apache Kafka and Apache Nifi.

TOP-10 popular articles

This article describes the basic steps for working with ACL authorization in Kafka.

This article describes NiFi Server UI overview: connection, toolbars, and elements.

This article describes message delivery guarantees when using the delivery semantics that exist in Kafka.

This article describes how to work with attributes in NiFi. FlowFile attributes are used in processor properties, variables, and parameter contexts.

This article describes the principles of replication in Kafka and how to configure it.

Apache Kafka MirrorMaker 2 is a tool that enables the replication of data between Kafka clusters.

This article describes storage concepts and components in Kafka.

This article describes how to install an Arenadata Streaming (ADS) cluster.

List of released ADS versions with descriptions of new features, bug fixes, improvements, etc.

This article contains recommended configurations for Kafka based on practical experience.

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