Arenadata Cluster Manager

Arenadata Cluster Manager (ADCM) provides an efficient way to deploy and manage all data services of a company regardless of the infrastructure used — in the cloud, on-premises or as PaaS-services. By dividing the data platform into two logically untied layers — the infrastructure layer and the applications layer — the operation of the entire platform becomes predictable, flexible, and repeatable.

TOP-10 popular articles

Learn how to install ADCM.

ADCM supports operations with external PostgreSQL databases. Learn how to configure ADCM to use an external database.

Learn about the requirements necessary to install and run ADCM.

Bundle is a delivery unit in ADCM. New extensions and parts come in bundles. Learn what a bundle contains and which bundle types there are.

Learn how to upgrade the previously installed version of ADCM.

This article lists some of the HTTP requests that are supported by ADCM API v2.

ADCM release notes. Learn about new features, improvements, bug fixes, and so on.

You can use additional modules and plugins to change ADCM internal metadata during the execution of playbooks. All modules and plugins are described in detail in this article.

Learn how to connect to ADCM via UI and API.

This article explains how to migrate ADCM data from SQlite to PostgreSQL. This functionality is useful if you have upgraded ADCM to the newest version and want to start using PostgreSQL.

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