Admin Guide


Before we start you need to know the following:

  • ADSS is a software distributed in a form of Docker Image.
  • You have to have some Docker or compatible container engine to run ADSS.
  • Current software version is not compatible with SELinux. Please consider to write your own SELinux policies or switch it off as described in pre_requisites_.

To install software you could simply run the following command:

docker pull

Then you have to create container base on that image. ADSS has some mandatory persistent information which is stored in /app/data dir inside container. That means that we have to map volume to that dir and care about backup of that volume:

docker create --name adss -p 8000:8000 -p 8443:8443 -v /opt/adss:/app/data

In the command above we made a container on port 8000 with ADSS and all data will be stored on host machine in directory /opt/adsm/.

Start and Stop

ADSS is just a container operated by Docker. So you are able to use simple Docker commands to start and stop ADSS.

To start Docker you need to use the following:

docker start adss

After starting you will be able to login to WebUI over browser with url http://<ip_address_of_server>:8000.

To stop the ADSS docker-container you need to issue the following:

docker stop adss

Enable HTTPS

  • Prepare server private key in pem format and place it to <data_volume>/conf/ssl/key.pem
  • Prepare certificate chain and place it to <data_volume>/conf/ssl/cert.pem in PEM format.
  • Drop current adss container and create it with “ssl” port
docker create --name adss -p 8000:8000 -p 8443:8443 -v /opt/adss:/app/data


Order of certs in cert.pem should be in sync with Nginx documentation.