Hardware requirements


The following system requirements are minimal. The target sizing should be calculated based on the customer requirements.

ClickHouse server

The minimum hardware requirements for ClickHouse servers to install an ADQM cluster are:

  • Physical server.

  • Storage: ext4-formatted storage device mounted on file system.

  • CPU: 8 cores or more.

  • RAM: 64 GB or more.

  • Network: servers should be available on ports 9000, 8123 and 9009 within the cluster.

For quick marts, an array of SSD drives is suitable. For storing big tables with facts, RAID 10 of HDDs is preferable. It is recommended to use a software RAID on Linux (mdadm), and not recommended to use LVM. When creating a RAID 10, select the far layout.

On each ClickHouse server in a cluster, the device schema, disks, and mount point should be the same.

Examples of requirements for ClickHouse servers depending on the load pattern for the ADQM cluster are listed below.

  • Proof of concept

  • Quick marts

  • Big tables with facts

Number of nodes Storage CPU RAM Network


1 x 500 GB HDD for OS

4 x 1.2 ТБ SAS HDD RAID 10 for Data

8 cores

96 GB

1 x 10 Gbps

Number of nodes Storage CPU RAM Network


2 x 500 GB SSD RAID 1 for OS

12 x 1 TB SAS12G SSD MixedUse RAID 10 (PCIe Gen3 x8) for Data

24 cores (2 x 12)

256 GB (8 x 32)

4 x 25 Gbps (2 adapters PCIe Gen4 x4)

Number of nodes Storage CPU RAM Network


2 x 500 GB SSD RAID 1 for OS

12 x 1.8 TB SAS10K HDD RAID 10 for Data

24 cores

256 GB

2 x 25 Gbps (2 adapters PCIe Gen3 x4)

Zookeeper server

The minimum hardware requirements for Zookeeper servers in an ADQM cluster are:

  • Physical or virtual server. For pilot clusters, you can use the same servers as for ClickHouse. For large clusters, at least three physical servers are required.

  • Storage: 100 GB or more; for large clusters, a fast SSD or RAID 1 is preferred.

  • CPU: 4 cores or more.

  • RAM: 4 GB or more.

The following table shows an example of the Zookeeper server configuration.

Number of nodes Storage CPU RAM Network

3 or more

2 x 500 GB SSD RAID 1 for OS

2 x 2.4 TB SSD RAID 1 for Data

4 cores (P-cores)

8 GB

2 x 10 Gbps

For guaranteed HA (High Availability), it is necessary to have an odd number of Zookeeper server instances.
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